Silvertip Alumni Network

This page is placed here as a memorial to our classmates.  Eventually, all of us will have our names recorded on this page.  But so long as one of us lives, the memories of who we were, what we did, and where we came from will never die. 

Last Updated On 01/25/21

Dennis Alcaras

Jerry Bailey

Connie Barth

Ronnie Borgsdorf

Christine 'Sabovich' Boylan

Jim Cornell

Ronnie Davis

Jim Dye

Dennis Ford

Larry Joe Flores

Pete Fuentes

Carol 'Leon' Garza

Glenda Gorman

Ramona 'Ramos' Guerrero

Michael Hough

Susie Howard

Janice Johns

Sylvia 'Prince' Jones

Jimmy Ray Hooker

Mryl King

Glen League

Albert Steve McClellan

Mike McMahon

Billy Owens

David Raines

Juanita 'Sanchez' Regpala

Roy Richardson

Gloria 'Rivera' Aleman

Jack Jay Rogers

Lloyd Rushing

Andy Stamper

Kathy Stine

Bill Tensley

Ana Christina Terrazas

Roman Terrazas

Calvin Turner

Suzanne 'Velasco' Towery

Claudette 'May' Warren

Ralph Watson

Chris Wellborn

Lester West

Gary Williams

Cindy 'Renfrow' Womble

Larry Wayne Woods

Jimmy Wright